What sort of client are you?
The truth is that not many people know the answer to this question.
And this creates a big problem which can’t be fixed unless you know where you are right now and where you are heading financially.
By using sophisticated lifetime cashflow modelling software and learning what is most important to you in your life, your aspirations and goals, Sutherland IFA can provide you with a solution in an ongoing financial plan that is continually updated.
To give you a clue as to what sort of client you might be, here are three different types to give you an idea, and by the way, none of them are set in stone; it’s perfectly possible to go from being one to another in your lifetime.

‘Not Enoughers’
The ‘Not Enoughers’, as it says on the tin, don’t have enough but rather than ignoring this, they fix the problem by saving more, accumulating more or spending less.
By analysing where these clients are right now, and where they want to head financially, we can put a plan in place that shows them exactly how to get to their desired destination. Sorted.
‘Got Too Muchers’
The ‘Got Too Muchers’ are those who go to the grave with too much money, and in some ways, this is a worse situation than the ‘Not Enoughers’. Not only could the ‘Got Too Muchers’ have done more, spent more or given away more during their lifetime, they didn’t because they were worried that they would run out of money, the final insult being that on death, they then needlessly pay more tax.
Analysing their financial situation using sophisticated lifetime cashflow modelling software can help the ‘Got Too Muchers’ to spend more on doing stuff that is important to them while they still can, de-risking and simplifying their investments as well as sorting out the inheritance tax liability. Problem solved.
‘Just Righters’
‘Just Righters’, as you would expect, have just the right amount of money for the rest of their lives and don’t ever have to worry about money. However, the big problem for many ‘Just Righters’ is that they don’t know this, which means that don’t live life to the full as they could have done quite easily.
Again, sophisticated lifetime cashflow modelling software can provide a solution to show ‘Just Righters’ what’s possible so they can relax in the knowledge that their money is not going to run out nor will they be paying inheritance tax. Perfect.